DC Comics Media Wiki

Earl Cooper was the engineer who designed and maintained


Paul Winfield the voice of Earl Cooper

 Batman's Batmobile. Cooper was an expert engineer that worked for Global Motors. When Cooper found a flaw in the breaks of Global Motor's new car he he pleaded to GM's CEO not to release the car until the problem was solved. However, Global Motor's CEO said that the company would not be held responsible if the breaks failed and someone was killed. Furious, Earl quit Global Motor's. Thinking Earl would report him to the authorities Global Motor's CEO sent some men to kill him. However, Batman knew of this and saved him. Sometime later Batman's car broke down and he asked Earl to build him a new one. Batman then set Earl up in a secret garage and Earl designed the new Batmobile. Years later Penguin learned of Earl and had him sabatoge the Batmobile. At first Earl refused but Penguin then threatened his daughter, Marva. When Batman came to the garage to get his car Earl said that "Marva was in the basement and that he had fixed the air conditioning system." After Penguin took control of the Batmobile, Batman realized that the "basement" was a term used by racers meaning they have crashed. Batman also realized that the "air conditioning system" meant that fixed the ejector seats so that Penguin could not control it. Right before the Batmobile crashed Batman and Robin used the ejector seats to get out of the car and they took down Penguin saving Marva. Batman later told Earl Cooper that he was going to set him up in a new garage and that he was going to set up a dummy corporation to order his parts through so that no one could track him down again. Earl then became enthusiastic and started to tell Batman about the new Batmobile he was planning to build.     
